Basic introduction
Tulip is a perennial plant which grows from bulbs. Tulip plant is height from 4 inches (10 cm) to 28 inches (71 cm), and it depends on the species. The specialty of the tulip flower is that it blooms on a stem without bracts (the green color small leaves that protect buds). (picture)

Except some species that have up to four flowers per stem, normally tulip flowers bloom only one flower per stem. As the three petals and the three sepals that forms the cup shaped tulip flower are very similar to each other, all of them are referred as tepals.
Inside the flower, there are six stamens which are shorter than the tepals.
Usually, tulip plants can have 2 to6 leaves. But some species may have up to 12 leaves. Leaves are alternatively arranged on the stem and are strap shaped with wax on its surface.
Tulip bulbs typically grow on the ends of stolons, and the bulbs' tunicate coverings which are dry and papery may or may not have hairs on is surface.
Botanical information
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
Order: Liliales
Family: Liliaceae
Subfamily: Lilioideae
Genus: Tulipa
There are many species of Tulipa Genus.
Tulipa bakeri Lilac Wonder
Preferring a warm, sunny spot, this cheerful tulip has large, rose-lilac flowers with contrasting yellow bases and anthers.
Tulipa batalinii Apricot Jewel
These vibrant flowers are deep apricot-orange on the outside and golden-yellow on the inside. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm.
Tulipa batalinii Bright Gem
Delicate, sulphur-yellow flowers flushed warm orange above broad, shiny leaves. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm
Tulipa batalinii Red Gem
Bright vermilion-red with an azalea-pink glow, an interior black base and chrome-yellow anthers. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm.
Tulipa biflora
Circa 1776, this fragrant beauty has three white flowers with large yellow hearts on each stem. The red-edged foliage offers a striking contrast. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm. April. 5".
Tulipa clusiana Cynthia
Long-lasting, this tetraploid bi-color features elegantly pointed flowers of candy-striped yellow and red. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm. April.
Tulipa clusiana Lady Jane
This candy-cane species tulip has a rosy-red exterior with ivory-white petal margins. The interior is ivory-white with a chrome-yellow base and its foliage is fern-green with phlox-pink edges. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm.
Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha
A good, naturalizing tetraploid, it is deep yellow, flushed rose toward the petals' edges. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm. April.
Tulipa dasystemon
Related to T. tarda circa 1877, these star-shaped, white flowers with bright yellow centers are wonderful naturalizers! Bulb size: 8 cm. April. 6".
Tulipa humilis alba coerulea oculata
This unusual award-winner has glistening white flower petals with a rare, deep, steel-blue base. If you adore this variety as we do, make sure to plant it in a spot where you will be able to see it every day. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm. Early April. 5"
Tulipa humilis violacea
Syn: The Red Crocus Tulip. Circa 1860, this purplish-rose tulip has a yellow base and greenish-yellow anthers. Bulb size: 5 to 6 cm. Early April. 4" to 6".
And thousands of more species and new hybrids are all over the world.
Tulip cultivation
The tulip gardens are the most beautiful feature in this post. It is evem more beautiful than the individual tulip flower.
Tulips are indigenous to mountainous areas with temperate climates. Although tulips are perennials, they are often replanted annually in warmer areas of every corner of the world.
The following pictures are from the northern Netherlands in the middle of the tulip season. more than 10,000 hectares devoted to the cultivation of tulips.bulbs are pplanted in late Octobers and late Novembers. At the time these pictures were taken, the flowers are ready to be harvest and sold as cut flowers. Each year more than three billion tulips are grown and two-third billions of the blooms are exported, mainly to the U.S. and Germany.
But like a rainbow, this colorful landscape is only for a short period of time. When the flowers are harvested, the land will be cultivated for another crop or vegetable.That’s why I said it is like a rainbow….. This will appear and glance the environment….. and then suddenly disappear like it was never been there.
Do you feel what I feel by looking at this beautiful heaven gardens……………..
I feel to die between these flowers……………………………………